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20 Tips for Working From Home Productively

Working from home if you can is no longer a legal restriction; however, some companies have felt the benefits and are moving forwards with a more flexible approach to work locations. Here at Zelst, our team found that working from home increased productivity and improved work-life balance, so we now operate three days a week in the office and two days working from home. Having done so for almost a year now, we consider ourselves seasoned professionals in the matter. Therefore, we thought it would be fitting to share our working from home tips for offices looking to move towards this approach.

tips for working at home effectively

Working from Home Tips

Tips for those with an office space:

Environment is everything

Decorate accordingly

Tips for those without an office space:


Clean your space

Watch your posture

posture working

Tips for those who are easily distracted:

Introvert or extrovert? Adjust as needed

Get Outside

walking over a bridge with green leaved trees either side

Move around

Tips for those new to working from home:
Create a morning routine
Planning is key
Stick to working hours
working office
Schedule breaks
Get dressed
Working From Home Tips
Overcommunicate with your team
Socialise with colleagues as normal
Tips for those who house share:
Set boundaries with housemates
Discuss your work plan in advance
Use headphones
Tips for those feeling anxious:
Don’t feel guilty
working from home
Find your normal
Be kind to yourself