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Different Types of Digital Marketing Agencies Explained

If you’ve decided that your business will benefit more from outsourcing its digital marketing than doing it in-house – see our blog post on in-house vs outsourced marketing if you’re still not sure

Different Types of Digital Marketing Agencies

  • Content
  • SEO
  • Social media management
  • Biddable media
  • Email marketing

The Full-Service Digital Marketing Agency

  • Works for businesses who want a new website and have an in-house team to handle the digital marketing afterwards.
  • Everything is in one place, meaning communication, authorisation and working together can be much smoother.
  • Some full-service agencies don’t have the in-depth technical knowledge required for each specialism, and the quality of either the design or the marketing is compromised.

The Single-Channel Marketing Agency

  • Great for businesses with smaller budgets and want to work on a project basis.
  • Perfect if you’re looking for an additional agency to boost visibility via a particular marketing channel.
  • Digital marketing is a broad landscape with many different avenues to explore. A single-channel marketing agency will only be able to help you with one side of things, and it’ll be on you to ensure that the rest are also covered.
  • Communication could get tricky here – if you have separate agencies or in-house teams working on every different element of your strategy, it might be more difficult to coordinate everyone.

The Multi-Channel Digital Marketing Agency

“23% of marketers report not having the time or resources needed to develop and execute multi-channel campaigns”.

  • Great for businesses with medium to large budgets and want to be visible online, in the places that matter to their customers.
  • An innovative, transparent, results-led approach to digital marketing. A multi-channel digital marketing agency can develop an integrated, targeted strategy to achieve business goals and maximise the return on investment.
  • Not the right type of digital marketing agency for businesses who want to have a heavy hand in how their digital marketing goes. These agencies tend to know their stuff, so it’s all about trusting their expertise and waiting for the results to follow.

Top Tips

  • What budget does your business have? You need to know how much you can spend upfront and on an ongoing basis
  • Is the agency you’re looking at throwing jargon and graphics at you, or are they presenting a clear, data-led history of results?
  • How much input do you want to have? Some marketing agencies prefer you to be at the helm, while others prefer to let their expertise do the talking.
  • Have you had your say? Make sure your marketing is tailored to you and your business and not just a one-size-fits-all strategy.