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Happy Birthday Twitter

21 Mar 2016, in Social Media.

Ten Years of Twitter: How Twitter Has Changed The World

Customer Brand Interactions





Virgin Trains


Hashtag Fails

Hashtags are a massive part of Twitter, they are used to create trends, marketing and promotional opportunities and to help you to find and connect with others. Hashtags are a pretty simple tool, for example if you are tweeting about a sleep fact then a hashtag such as #sleepfact could be used so people searching for sleep facts are able to find your tweet quickly and easily. However when you are using hashtags for marketing and promotional purposes you need to think outside the box and look for space in the market. You can’t use spaces in hashtags so you need to read and re-read your hashtags and use upper and lower case accordingly as you don’t want to end up with a hashtag which may come across as something entirely different. Here’s a couple of examples of when hashtags have gone wrong!




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