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Search Intent-Based Keyword Strategy

Keyword Strategy and the Keyword research behind it is more than simply identifying a range of keyword terms that people are searching for and which you’d like to rank for.

What is Search Intent?

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The 5 Main Areas of Search Intent

  • Navigational Search Intent – people want to go somewhere on the web. Many of these searches are branded keywords, e.g. “BBC” or “Facebook login”
  • Informational Search Intent – people want to know something, e.g. ‘how to cook a pizza’ or ‘what is woke’.
  • Transactional Search Intent – people want to do something, i.e., complete an action (a conversion). This could be a purchase, an email signup, a download, a form submission, a store visit, a phone call or any transactional term that relates to an action a website wants a visitor to undertake.
  • Commercial Investigating Search Intent – people are looking to buy something or complete an action in the future but here are carrying out research, e.g., “what is the best hand sanitiser”, “most reliable used cars”
  • Local Search Intent – people are looking for things where they are geographically located. These could be queries which include the place name, e.g. “best lunch break spots in Harrogate” or where the searcher is relying on Google’s understanding of their geographical location like “fuel oil suppliers near me” or where Google understands that the search is local, e.g. ‘pizza delivery’, after all people won’t be happy finding out about a Pizza takeaway that is 200 miles away.
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Developing a Search Intent-Based Keyword Strategy

Creating a Multi-Level Keyword Strategy

The Value of a Good Search Intent-Based Keyword Strategy