SEO Technical Optimization
The concept of technical optimization is simple enough. In a nutshell, it describes any underlying SEO work that is performed to support a website’s content and ensure that it gets found by potential customers.
Working with a technical SEO agency increases your chances of getting found for your chosen search terms, no matter which routes people are taking to reach it, whether through local search, video or image search or via social media.
Technical optimization helps you to give users a pleasant experience, encouraging them to stay on your website for longer. This also means they’ll be more likely to come back again and, crucially, they’ll be more inclined to buy from you.
The impact of technical SEO also extends to the user experience. Factors such as site speed, the extent to which it is optimized for mobile devices and its navigational structure all affect our ability to find what we are looking for quickly and digest the information easily.
Contact us today for technical optimization that delivers results.
How Do We Deliver Technical SEO Optimization Services?
We begin by performing a full SEO audit known as a diagnostic crawl. This involves using complex software that mimics the ‘spiders’ used by the search engines to crawl a website and ‘index’ (list) its content.
The faster the spiders can crawl your site and the easier it is for them to find their way around, the better found in search results your site will become. If the pages take a long time to load, provide a poor experience on mobile or are difficult to navigate, the spiders’ progress is hindered. If they arrive at a page that seems to have been removed, they’ll stop in their tracks. If our fussy arachnids encounter duplicate content across multiple pages, they roll their beady little eyes in disdain and refuse to rank any of them particularly well.
Once we have a full, ordered diagnostic list, we use this to fix all issues in order of priority until the spiders can scuttle through your site with super speed. This improves your chances of ranking for relevant keywords and phrases whilst ensuring the best possible experience for visitors.
Factors for technical optimization
When the crawl has been undertaken, there are a number of factors that could potentially present issues, including:
- Page speed
- Responsiveness and mobile experience
- Duplicate content and canonical tags
- Thin content
- Core Web Vitals
- Redirects and broken pages
- Website navigation
Check out our comprehensive guide to the Google page experience to learn more about how these factors can impact your website.
Why does your business need a technical SEO agency?
Technical SEO is a complex, ongoing process that ensures your website is performing as well as it can. Without undertaking this work, your website might experience small foundational issues that can snowball into much bigger problems, resulting in poor rankings, low traffic and a reduced conversion rate.
Our team has the training, expertise and technical software to provide your business with bespoke technical SEO optimization. This will allow Google to crawl and index your site efficiently and effectively and ensure the end-user has a positive experience on your website.
When you start working with a technical optimization agency like Zelst, we will primarily work on highlighting and fixing any existing issues. We don’t just talk the talk – we do the do and are happy to make changes directly via your CMS or recommend changes directly to your developers. On an ongoing basis, we continue to run frequent crawls and identify any opportunities for further optimization.
At Zelst, our technical SEO services are second to none. In addition to our standard technical SEO optimization, we can help with SEO migration, conversion rate optimization, Google Penalty removal and keyword research. If you would like to discuss your business’s needs, please get in touch today.